Monday, October 31, 2005

First Meeting

I just had one of my best days (or nights) in recent memory. I had dinner with someone I've been wanting to meet with the past couple of weeks. It wasn't a date or anything like that, but the fact that it finally pushed through after a few rainchecks was enough to make everything alright.

First meetings are actually tricky because it will decide if there would be a second.

Come to think of it, the odds are actually stacked against me here, so I'm not really hoping for anything. But who knows? Everyone gets lucky sometimes.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Getting Started

I've had this blogger account for about two months now, yet I never found time to post entries. I guess I've been using my Multiply account too much that I keep forgetting about this. I actually like this one better because it's much simpler. Multiply's better when it comes to photo albums and other stuff, otherwise if it's just simply blogging, I'll put my money on this one.