Monday, May 24, 2010

Back from HK

Didn't really do much there except walk a lot. Won't be surprised if I lost weight. All I know is that my legs hurt every night. LOL.

I had all the opportunity to shop but I didn't get to buy anything. There were some stuff I wanted at H&M but the sizing was abysmal. Small was too small and medium was too big. Definitely disappointing.

Also, I slept early the whole time I was there. I'd be asleep by 10pm and would wake up around 6am. It was prolly because I had nothing to do at night. I didn't bring a laptop, and there wasn't much channels on the hotel cable TV.

Speaking of sleeping early, I missed out on a huge party at Dragon-I with my HK-based friends because of that. I was too knocked out to even hear any of the missed calls/messages.

Anyhow, if plans push through, I should be back in June or July. I just absolutely love Hong Kong.

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