Saturday, May 06, 2006

Epoch Audio-Dunlop vs. ICT-HSBC

Three in a row for Team Epoch Audio-Dunlop.

We had our third game a couple of hours ago against call center ICT-HSBC. They said they were missing their two best players and were asking us for mercy. Some of the organizers also asked us not to play our best player, ex-pro John Cardel to make the match more balanced. We gave in to their request and agreed.

We started out a bit slow as they managed to gain the upperhand during the early moments of the game. It was neck-and-neck for the most part as we exchanged leads. We were able to find our offensive flow and got the lead by halftime. It was a bit of a blowout from the third period onwards because we managed to pull away for good.

We won by 17 points when the final buzzer sounded. Had my worst scoring game this season but I made it up by dishing out a game-high 6 assists.

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