Saturday, September 09, 2006

an ACL injury is overrated

I was talking to a good friend of mine yesterday. He was a former soccer/futsal teammate of mine back in college. He moved to the States a few years ago, and is now residing in Orange County (Anaheim). Anyway, he was asking how I was upon learning that I busted my ACL. Told him I was pretty much alright, except for some swelling and sporadic pain. Also, I have very little range of motion which affects my mobility.

Our conversation led me to think and believe that an ACL injury is far too overrated. People think that it's all over once you tear it, and that it's like the Mount everest of sports injuries. There are people who think that someone who pops his ACL can't walk. I remember when Larry Fonacier tore up his ACL (and LCL) people were saying that it ends Ateneo's chances of winning in the UAAP. A couple of years after, Larry moves on to the PBA (with Red Bull) and wins the Rookie of the Year award.

An ACL injury is not the worst sports-related injury contrary to what a bajillion people think. It's not even a rare occurrence. I bet there's one dude who tears his as I write this. Also, I'd take several torn ACL's and reconstructions than PBA player Eugene Tejada's spine injury that paralyzed him from the neck down.

So don't ever go gaga over someone who pops his ACL. It's not as rare as you think and it's definitely not the end of his or her world either.

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