Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cleared for ball

Took the day off from work today and will be out on Friday as well. Made the most out of today by seeing my orthopedic surgeon and having my knee checked again. Of course, I needed to tell him that I haven't been the best patient - not going through all my rehab sessions religiously and playing ball again without proper clearance.

Good news is that he officially cleared me to start playing again. He thinks I'm good to go (I thought I was good to go since May). But he stressed that I need to continue building up my leg strenght and endurance. I will try to be a good patient and do it right this time. But there's just too many leagues going on now so I'm not sure how I'll juggle rehab and ball.

Let's see how it maps out. I'm checking myself in a new gym soon.

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