Thursday, January 17, 2008

ABL going down?

The 2008 ABL Season started last weekend and for the first time in like 6 years, I'm not playing by choice. I skipped last season due to injury. I was still recovering from my ACL reconstruction surgery.

Judging from this season's turnout, I think the ABL has lost its appeal especially to the veterans. Year in and year out, Ateneans would play the same faces again and again. At some point, you just get bummed out and lose interest. To add fuel to the fire, a lot of 'open' leagues have surfaced and these are a lot more interesting compared to the ABL, which is limited to current Ateneans and their alumni. My guess is those who want a little more challenge and competition would elect to try it out in the open leagues.

I noticed there's also a lot less sponsors now than in the past seasons. I'm thinking they're not getting much ROI with their investments so it's not beneficial anymore.

I dunno if the ABL will ever get its mojo back. It has become a victim of its own success. It's just not that exciting anymore.

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