Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Comeback Kings

Since bringing along my IBM colleagues to the Tuesday basketball games at the Department of Agriculture a couple of months ago, we've never dropped a game. Ever.

That flawless streak was put to the utmost test last night as we found ourselves down by 12 points, 11-23, in a race to 40. We were being outplayed and outhustled in just about every aspect.

Everybody knows I hate losing, so this setback pumped up my adrenaline and got my competitive juices flowing once again.

Channeling my best Chris Paul impression, I almost single-handedly willed a comeback, scoring on a series of isolation and transition plays. A 19-6 run, culminating with a Bon three-pointer, finally gave us a slim 1 point lead, 30-29.

However, our opponents scored five straight points on consecutive possessions and we found ourselves staring at a 30-34 hole yet again.

Unfazed, we made the necessary defensive stops and scored the next 10 points, capped by a game-winning Daryl trey for a thrilling 40-34 comeback win.


I went pretty hard on some of my teammates last night, but I just wouldn't let my team lose. Not while I'm handling the point. I'm expecting them to go all out, just as I do all the time. Then again, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone more passionate on the court than I am.

But that's just me. Laying it all on the line. Treating every game like it's the championship. No holding back.

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