Monday, July 21, 2008

Crazy post-game happenings

After our championship game at Xavier, JC invited the team and everyone else who watched for dinner at Pier One Ortigas last night. It was gonna be a doubleheader of a celebration - for the team's outstanding tournament run and his despedida. We would've wanted to send him off with a corporate championship. Too bad we fell a bit short.

A big shoutout of thanks to JC for the free-flowing food and drinks. People were buzzed when we adjourned around 4am. Daryl and I even had to do an emergency rescue operation because a colleague was too wasted to drive. I'm sure you all know how drunk people act. It was quite an adventure bringing this person home to Antipolo.

Speaking of adventure, JR and I had to rush to Cardinal Santos before proceeding to Ortigas for the dinner. He busted his chin open during the game so we had to get him stitched up. Dude got a deep, nasty cut that required six stitches. I've seen (and experienced) a lot of gruesome injuries and this one ranks right up there.

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