Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back to books

People might not believe this because I'm actually having a difficult time believing it myself too, but I've mysteriously started reading recently. I was never into books so it's quite puzzling, I know.

Reading was never my thing, at least not since the Hardy Boys Casefiles were in fashion back in my primary school days. That's the last time I remember enjoying some form of literature. I guess going through a stack of pages wasn't my idea of having a good time while I was growing up. Glad I was able to survive school having enlisted the help of Barron's or Cliffs for my book reports. I wish we had Wikipedia back then. It would've been way easier.

Anyway, I've been spending a lot of time the past few days finishing a couple of borrowed books. I'm hoping to finish them soon so I can return them and borrow a few more. I can't say how much longer this phenomenon will last but I'm hooked for now.

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