Sunday, September 20, 2009

POP! Goes my other knee

What can I say?

It was deja vu all over again.

I blew out my left knee playing hoops last night at the Moro Lorenzo Gym.

I was in pursuit trying to stop a fastbreak layup when I landed awkwardly on my left leg, twisting my knee. I did get the spectacular mid-air block but I lost my knee in return. I swear I heard it pop just like I did three years ago when I busted my right knee, rupturing my ACL.

Then I started second-guessing myself. What if I just let him go? Maybe I should've let him get away with the game-winning layup and concede the game. But that's not me. Ten times out of ten, I will make the same play over and over again.

In a few days, I will find out how badly damaged my knee is. Right now, hope is bleak and it's looking like another torn ACL for me. That would mean another 6-9 months off the court.

I've no regrets though. I'd still make that play a million times over, in true Gonzy fashion.

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