Monday, September 07, 2009

Thou shall not cheat on Chavit

By now everyone probably knows about the Chavit Singson saga that's been on the headlines the past week. Long story short, Chavit caught his partner cheating on him for like the nth time so he beat her and the guy to a pulp. If you want the whole story, I suggest you google it.

Everyone in the country knows that you do not mess with him so it baffles me to no end how his partner had the guts to try to pull a fast one over him . Definitely a stupid move on the girl's part and an even dumber move on the guy's. I heard the guy got the worst end of Chavit's wrath.

I'm not saying I agree with what the ex-governor did but since I don't have sympathy for cheaters, best believe they had it coming. It's even more puzzling how they could not have seen it from miles away.

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