Friday, February 27, 2015

Mayweather vs Pacquiao

About 5 years ago, I told myself I was going to do everything in my power to watch Pacquiao and Mayweather fight live in Las Vegas, if ever it were to happen. Many people (though mostly Filipinos) were saying that Floyd kept ducking Manny because he felt the Filipino boxing legend was a serious threat to his undefeated record.

Well, about 5-6 years too late, but it's finally happening. My mind has changed regarding watching it in person though, so I'm just gonna catch it on TV.

If this fight happened a few years ago, I think Manny upsets Money. But now? I think Floyd jogs his way to a unanimous decision.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Blue Eaglets reclaim UAAP HS hoops title

After 3 years, which for Ateneo high school basketball seemed like an eternity, the Blue Eaglets brought the Juniors basketball crown back to Katipunan. I hope it stays within the confines of Loyola Heights for a long time. It's about time we developed another dynasty.

Monday, February 16, 2015


I was never a Valentine's Day fan and I honestly think it's overrated. I don't even remember the last time I celebrated V-Day with a girlfriend (or a significant other). Now before anyone says I'm not sweet and all that crap, let me tell you this: If I'm gonna do something sweet, I don't have to wait until V-Day to do it, right?

Anyway, for someone who's not into it, I actually had a very interesting V-Day date this past weekend. Dinner. Drinks. And then a Nicole Sherzinger show.

Here's to hoping for many nights like this one... Cheers!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Declare total war

I saw the video of the merciless murdering of the fallen PNP-SAF troopers in the hands of the MILF and/or BIFF insurgents.

Say no to the peace talks. Fuck these savages. I wish the Philippine government, especially President Noynoy Aquino, will grow some balls and make the executive decision to bomb the shit out of the Mindanao areas where they still roam free.

I'm not about that peace life. Not in Mindanao. Until these Muslim insurgents are totally eradicated, peace in that area will never prosper.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Casino wars

Had a chance to check out the relatively newly-opened City of Dreams (CoD) Manila complex recently. Looks a lot more promising than Solaire.

As of now, if I had to rank the three casino complexes based on my personal experience (as a gambler mind you, and not as a random tourist), I'd give a slight edge to Resorts World Manila (RWM) over City of Dreams for the top spot, while Solaire is the bottom-feeder.

I will have to revisit my rankings once all the structures and amenities are fully-operational already. Meantime, it's either RWM or CoD if I want to engage in a game of baccarat or craps.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

White Rock down

Was at White Rock resort in Subic with the CoachCom team for a couple of days to facilitate teambuilding sessions for a client. We lined up 7 activity stations that tested their mettle and attacked their fears. Everything went really well and the participants had a great time.

I'm not a fan of the resort though. Food was blah. I mean, if I wasn't hungry, I'd probably skip meals. The accommodations weren't good either, probably because we were billeted at the old hotel. I think they should step up and renovate the older facilities though.

Anyway, I've been involved with CoachCom for about 2 years now. For those who are unaware, it is the management consultancy arm of legendary Filipino basketball coach Chot Reyes. For inquiries/bookings, drop me a line.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The Butler did it

I was on the phone with my bestfriend during the final minute or so of Super Bowl XXIX. He was on the road, on his way to basketball practice and he wanted a live play-by-play commentary.

Have to admit that I thought New England was about to lose when Seahawks WR Jermaine Kearse had that unreal multiple-bobble catch while on his back. With 1st-and-goal at the 5-yard line and enough time for at least 3 plays. I was pretty sure Marshawn Lynch, the Seattle monster running back also knows as Beast Mode, will punch in the winning touchdown. 

Deja vu at its worst. Ghosts of David Tyree's "helmet catch" in 2008, and Mario Manningham's sideline grab in 2012 were about to haunt the Patriots again.

And then it happened. On 2nd-and-goal at the 1, Russell Wilson threw a slant aimed at Ricardo Lockette. Seldom-used, backup Patriots defensive back Malcolm Butler, on instinct, jumped on the route and made an amazing interception on the football's biggest stage. Wow. Just wow.

I was screaming like hell. For sure, my neighbors wondered what was going on. I didn't care.

The Patriots win their 4th Super Bowl title in the most improbable fashion. It'been like 20 hours since the game ended, and I still cannot believe how they were able to pull it off.

Jubilation for the Patriots fans, despair for the Seahawks faithful. Fortunes changed in a span of a few seconds. But this is exactly why we love sports.


Sunday, February 01, 2015

How sweep it is

The Ateneo Blue Eaglets (14-0) swept the elimination round of the ongoing UAAP High School basketball tourney by routing the defending champion NU Bullpups yesterday. That meant getting an automatic pass to the Finals, as well as having a thrice-to-beat advantage.

I'm not trying to guarantee anything but it seems the Eaglets are well on their way to getting back what always belonged in Katipunan -- the UAAP Juniors Basketball crown.

Growing up in the 1990s, the Ateneo HS basketball team used to always be in the Finals, most seasons as champions, while other times as runners-up. That run continued until the 2000s. They were simply the most dominant HS basketball program in the UAAP, and maybe even the country.

Then it all changed in 2011. Ateneo, coming from three consecutive HS championships, lost long-time coach Jamike Jarin to the pro league while superstar guard Kiefer Ravena graduated and moved on to the college ranks. There have been whispers that Coach Jarin knew that the succeeding teams won't be as good as his prior ones, so he wanted to move on before that happens.

True enough, the Blue Eaglets have been less than stellar from 2011 until 2013. They reached the Finals in 2013 only to be swept by NU.

Now, it seems like they're on a mission to regain what is rightfully ours. Here's to hoping this is the start of another decade or so of HS basketball dominance.

Kudos to my HS/college batchmate, coach Joe Silva (and his staff) for weathering a few years of mediocrity (comparing them to Ateneo High's high standards) and bringing back the team to the top of the UAAP Juniors basketball food chain.