Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Destination: HK

I just booked a trip to Hong Kong for October. And I (we) still don't know where we'll be staying. What the heck. It's still a couple of months away anyway.

Beefed up Celtics

The sun hasn't shone on the NBA's most successful franchise since their last championship two decades ago. They haven't had an all-world player since the legendary Larry Bird left in the early 90's.

After toiling at the bottom of the league for years, they're back in the spotlight. The Boston Celtics just acquired superstar Kevin Garnett via a trade with the Minnesota Timberwolves. He joins two more All-Stars, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen in forming what could be the best big-name trio in the NBA today.

With such an awesome nucleus, they just need to fill in the gaps with quality role players. Despite the lack in depth, I think they have a very good chance of winning the East next season.

If Cleveland won the East last year with only Lebron James, imagine what the Celtics can do with the Big Ticket, The Truth and Jesus in one roster.

We'll all find out in a couple of months. This is going to be exciting.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The boys are back!

Entourage, HBO's top rated series, returns to Asia for its third season. It premiers tonight at 11pm.

I know this side of the world is late when it comes to television series. But I ain't into dvd's and I don't like watching via the internet so I'll be more than happy to get my weekly Entourage fix through HBO.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How'd ya like us now?

So much for the DLSU hype-machine. Two straight losses: a blowout and a heartbreaker.

They got run over by UE last Sunday and they bow down to Ateneo today, 80-77, in overtime. Admittedly, it was a very entertaining game. Definitely one for the ages.

Archer JV Casio played the game of his life but somehow disappeared in the extra period. Atenean rookie Kirk Long delivered a clutch performance, proving his worth as a blue chip recruit. Chris Tiu nailed the backbreaking trey with 20 seconds left.

Awesome end-game composure by the Blue Eagles.

One Big Fight!

Jessica Alba, back in the game

Easily the best news I've heard recently....


After two-and-a-half years together, Jessica Alba and Cash Warren have split. The 26-year-old actress broke up with Warren, a 28-year-old producer, last week over the phone, sources tell Usmagazine.com.

Sources tell Us that Alba, who was abroad over the weekend promoting Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, called Warren on July 22 and told him, "I'm not in love with you anymore."

Within hours, Alba had dispatched an assistant to the L.A. home they shared to pack up Warren's belongings and move him out.

Warren and Alba met on the set of Fantastic Four in 2005, when Warren (a Yale grad) was the assistant to the film's director, Tim Story. Despite the gap between them on the film industry food chain, the couple were often seen partying at Hollywood events and enjoying romantic vacations from Mexico to Miami.

Just a month ago, Spike TV named Warren the "Luckiest Bastard" of 2007 at their first annual Guy's Choice Awards, due to his relationship with Alba. But now, a source tells Us that Warren isn't feeling lucky at all and is, understandably, very upset. The breakup "happened...almost out of nowhere," the source says. "[Cash] thinks it's for another guy but doesn't know....he's totally devastated. But it was all her." (Alba's rep declined to comment.)

In 2005, a few months into her relationship with Warren, the actress told Cosmopolitan magazine that she could see herself settling down with her new boyfriend for good.“He might The One,” she said in the mag’s March 2005 issue. “The first week that we kind of got together, he gave me a note and signed it with a dollar sign, because his name is Cash. It just said, ‘I really, really like you.’ And that was exactly how I felt at the time.” Alba admitted that her feelings for Warren scared her because they were so strong. “I hated it because it was terrifying that I cared about him so much right away and I already wanted him to be around forever.”

So who will Tinseltown’s most eligible bachelorette go for next – another average Joe or a Hollywood hottie? Alba may already have a few prospects in mind. When Cosmo asked the actress to name her celebrity crushes, she replied: “I would have to say Johnny Depp, Michael Caine...Morgan Freeman, and Jake Gyllenhaal.”



Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hype and Harry

Until now, I still don't understand the fuss about Harry Potter that's gripping a lot of people. I think it's bullshit + hype + marketing at its finest.

To set it straight, I've never read any book nor have I watched any movie. Got no plans doing so either. The only contribution this whole hullabaloo brings in goes straight to author JK Rowling's pockets. Undeniably, this is a multimillion dollar (or pound) venture.

And she has a bunch of crazed hypebeasts to thank for it.

Dead whistles

I must say that yesterday's game was a brutal one in terms of physicality. The referees were basically letting us play, minus the whistles. It was a heated battle from the get-go. There was a little bit of everything, from trash-talking to cheap shots and hard fouls. I, myself, kept bouncing around like a pingpong ball everytime I drive to the basket without any fouls being called. I only have multiple bumps and bruises across my elbows and knees to show for it. It's all good though as we raced to a 2-0 record, topping Division F Group 2.

We're gunning for a third straight win in two weeks time.


We dumped the L Boys (Ateneo HS 4L 2000), 67-53, during our game yesterday afternoon at the Meralco Gym. Just like our first game, it was close for about three quarters as both teams kept jawing at each other. The fourth canto was a totally different story though as we raced to a huge lead within minutes. It proved to be an insurmountable margin as the L Boys were unable to stage a comeback.

Gian and I shared team-high scoring honors with 13 apiece. JP, Darwin and JV each had 9 points.

Next game: vs. Team Gayap, August 4, Saturday, at the Reyes Gym.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rehab + Supplements

I'm treating my current bout with knee rehab seriously. I just spent a couple of g's on dietary supplements upon recommendation from several people. They were saying that Glucosamine is good for the joints, cartilages and ligaments. Some folks were swearing over this product. Anyway, I hope these things do work.

Next on my list is a new gym membership. I'm looking to get this done by next week at the latest.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cleared for ball

Took the day off from work today and will be out on Friday as well. Made the most out of today by seeing my orthopedic surgeon and having my knee checked again. Of course, I needed to tell him that I haven't been the best patient - not going through all my rehab sessions religiously and playing ball again without proper clearance.

Good news is that he officially cleared me to start playing again. He thinks I'm good to go (I thought I was good to go since May). But he stressed that I need to continue building up my leg strenght and endurance. I will try to be a good patient and do it right this time. But there's just too many leagues going on now so I'm not sure how I'll juggle rehab and ball.

Let's see how it maps out. I'm checking myself in a new gym soon.

Monday, July 16, 2007

IBS 75, Ateneo HS 4E98 62

We played our first game yesterday against AHS 4E98. It was a very close affair for most of the game, until we were able to pull away in the end for a 75-62 victory. It would've been a 15 point win but they sank a trifecta at the buzzer.

It was a well-balanced game as we had three people score in double figures - Gian 16, JP 15, and JV 10.

Fantastic start for Team IBS.

Next game: vs AHS 4L '00 - July 21, Saturday, at the Meralco Gym.

Complete Division F statistics available at http://www.gameface.ph/maai.htm.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

It's been a good day so far. I passed by the post office to pick up a package I ordered online a few weeks back. This plus a few other random good things.

Crossing my fingers, though. The day ain't even halfway done.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

IBS Basketball

It has been a dream of the veteran IBMers here at IBS to join a third party league. We've been thinking about it since last year but no one felt the urgency to do something about it.

This time, the dream will finally become a reality.

A group of IBMers, representing IBM Business Services, joined the MPG Ateneo Alumni Invitational Tournament. It will run from July 14 until early September. Venues are at the following: Meralco Gym, Acropolis Gym, Reyes Gym, Club 650 and at The Zone.

Our first official game is this Sunday, July 15, at Club 650

Jordan XX2

Since recovering from my ACL injury, I've gone back to not only playing ball, but buying basketball sneaks as well. Had to stop buying during the time I was out.

I've copped three pairs so far since my return last May. None are better than Jordan XX2's I got last night though. Didn't like the black colorway but I had no choice since the white ones were not available. Was kinda forced into getting them because of my friend's 50% off anything more than 30 days old. I didn't want to leave the store empty handed.

I could've gotten the white ones at some other store at full retail (Php 9,195) but these black joints were too hard to resist at half-price.

I don't like the color, but I'll deal with it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Advanced Excel Training

It was easily the best workshop I've attended to in my stay here in IBM. Props to all the facilitators for a vey informative and educational two days.

I'm coming out of the workshop with a boatload of usable knowledge.

Friday, July 06, 2007


Got the goggles I ordered from the States yesterday. I had the prescription inserts made today. Can't wait to try these bad boys on the court. I'll have my chance tomorrow.

Monday, July 02, 2007

More than meets the eye

Watched Transformers last night. It's fun being able to finish a movie without dozing off as I've done with the last few films I've seen.

Good stuff, except for a few dragging parts. Brought me back some 80's memories. Now they have to do film adaptations to cartoon favorites Centurions, Sky Commanders, MASK, Visionaries.... and the list goes on...

Next target: Live Free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4.0 in the Philippines)