Saturday, May 31, 2008


Call me bored (and sentimental) but I spent the last hour or two reading through my blog. Yeah, the whole nine yards of it since I started in late 2005.

It's pretty interesting strolling down memory lane and seeing how I've become (or unbecome) over the years. This is going to be more fascinating to read when I'm old and gray.

Sometimes I write too cryptic though and I can't relate to some of the posts anymore. Maybe I should start being more detailed now.


I had to skip my cousin's wedding today due to an emergency. I'm battling with an acute case of food poisoning. It sucks cause I could hardly keep up the fight. I swear I haven't gone to the john this much in my whole life.

Dream Finals

Boston did its part a day after the Lakers did theirs.

The NBA's most storied franchises will meet in what many are calling the dream finals matchup.

Bust out the retro uniforms, throw in the afro, and play some funky music. The Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers are back. The ancient and bitter rivalry lives on.

The hostilities start Friday morning (Manila) as Boston hosts LA for Game 1 of the NBA Finals.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Cebu surprises

What's with Cebu and Shang Mactan?

I know of at least two guys who took their SO's to Shangri-La Mactan for surprise weekend overnighters recently. Oh and get this, both occurred in the past two weeks!

Actually, both stories are way too similar. I'm even beginning to wonder if both cats know each other. Only difference was one couple got off the island engaged, the other got off officially together.

Anyhow, I tip my hat off and raise a glass in honor of you guys. Amazing.

But now I have to cross out Cebu and Shang Mactan from my list, lest I be accused of being unoriginal. Nevertheless, as the old adage goes, "There is more than one way to skin a cat."

LA Lakers to the NBA Finals

Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers have done their part. They booked themselves an NBA Finals ticket by overpowering the defending champion San Antonio Spurs, 4-1, in their best-of-seven Western Conference finals series.

Now, the Boston Celtics have to do theirs. They lead Detroit, 3-2, with Game 6 tomorrow at Motown. The series moves back to Beantown for the all-important, win-or-go-home Game 7 on Monday if necessary.

It'll be a flashback to the showtime era (1980's) if Boston moves on to meet LA in professional basketball's premier stage.

It'll be the perfect ending to an NBA season fairytale. It seems it was scripted destined from the start.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Press play

Save for some prick jerk hitting me with a clothesline and another one showing me an elbow, last night's pickup games at Acropolis were scintillating to say the least.

Never did I imagine a bunch of Ateneans executing the vaunted La Salle full-court press to near perfection. Franz will be proud.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Bane or boon?

I've always taken pride in having excellent memory. I feel blessed that I have that uncanny ability to remember stuff down to the last detail. It's a great skill for the most part.

It's not always beneficial though. Sometimes, it's more of a bane than a boon.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

On earthquakes, tremors and life

If there's anything that strikes more fear than earthquakes, it has to be the aftershocks. Just when you thought you've picked up the pieces from the initial tremor, it jolts you right back into submission. It makes recovery even more grueling and unbearable.

You can say the same about life too.

(My prayers go out to all the victims of the recent earthquake tragedy in China. May the souls of all those who perished rest in peace.)

Bad vibes

The say misery loves company. That said, does anyone care to join me?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Man United: 2007-08 Champions of Europe

It was undoubtedly the most nerve-wracking penalty shootout I've watched on TV. Seeing the world's best player miss, I thought it was all over.

Little did we know that English international and Chelsea captain John Terry will choke at the biggest stage. He got United keeper and Dutch international Edwin Van Der Sar beaten, but a momentary slip caused his potential match-winning shot to hit the post. Had it gone in, Chelsea would've been crowned European Champions for the first time. Instead, Van Der Sar parried Nicolas Anelka's kick moments later in sudden death to hold on and win Manchester United their third European club title.

Not only did the Van Der Sar save preserve an excellent season for the Red Devils, it also provided redemption to Cristiano Ronaldo, arguably the world's best footballer today. His spot kick was blocked by Chelsea keeper Petr Cech. Having had a magnificent, player-of-the-year season, it would've been unfathomable had United's season end with a Champions League Final shootout loss on a Ronaldo miss.

Then again, the football gods had something else in mind. What transpired was a thrilling end to a spectacular season.

Manchester United: 2007-08 EPL Champions. 2007-2008 UEFA Champions League winners.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

NBA Playoffs: Conference Finals

The Eastern Conference Finals will start later today with the Boston Celtics hosting the Detroit Pistons at the TD Banknorth Garden for Game 1.

The Celtics needed all 7 games to dispose of Lebron and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the conference semis. Luckily, they have homecourt advantage throughout the postseason because they haven't won on the road so far (8-0 at home; 0-6 on the road). They'll need to break that streak to have a chance against the blue-collar Pistons.

Detroit took out the Orlando Magic in 5 games. As a result, they come in very well rested compared against a weary Boston team who have played the maximum 14 games in the first two rounds.

I'm predicting this series will go the distance and Boston will punch its ticket to the Finals aided by some magical home-cooking.


The Western Conference finals will start Thursday morning (Manila) with the Los Angeles Lakers hosting the defending champion San Antonio Spurs for Game 1.

The Kobe-led Lakers sent the Utah Jazz home after 6 games while the Spurs snatched the win-or-go-home Game 7 on the road against the talented but inexperienced New Orleans Hornets.

I don't like both the Lakers and the Spurs so I couldn't care less who wins the West. Nevertheless, I think this will be a great series and I just hope it goes all the way to Game 7 as well.

The NBA is praying that both the Celtics and the Lakers reach the Finals. This will undoubtedly be a marketing dream for the league. I can just imagine the money that the NBA will be making as a byproduct of a renewed Lakers-Celtics rivalry reminiscent of the Magic-Bird era in the 80's.

Conspiracy theorists say that the NBA will indeed make this happen by whatever means necessary.

Previous posts:
NBA Playoffs: 2nd Round
NBA Playoffs update
NBA Playoff predictions

Monday, May 19, 2008

Schedule slip-up

It's only Monday but I think the MCBL picked a wrong time to give us our bye-week. Now, I have nothing to look forward to this weekend and next.

Talk about wrong timing at its worst!


There's a bajillion of thoughts in my head and I've so many things to say but I think it's best if I just shut up.

Or maybe I should write a book and do a tell-all. It's freakin' difficult if you're hard-pressed to find a confidant. I might as well just broadcast to the whole world.

Tribeca - Cold World

Not a lot of people know this song. In fact, I'm surprised it never hit the mainstream. Anyway, for hiphop/r&b fans and hoops junkies alike, this is just inspirational. It'll make you relive your hoop dreams. And yeah, don't front. I'm sure all of us, at some point in our lives, wanted to be like Mike.

So, if you've ever dreamed of hitting the big time, this one's for you. For all us underdogs in this dog-eat-dog cruel world, this one's for us.

Whenever I need that extra lift, I pop this track and it pumps me up. Nothing else gets me in the zone more than this. It's a must for my pre-game routine.


Tribeca on his song, "Cold World," and what it means for him:
"It means a lot to me. It's a basketball-driven song but it can relate to anything in life. If you've overcome poverty, overcome something, or are going through something now, if you need that adrenaline rush, this song is for you. You have to make a decision... if you're doing it for love."

Sunday, May 18, 2008

MCBL: IBS 72, Emerson 42

Okay, so we won by 30 again. Still, we were so out-of-sync today, we were lucky to come out with a blowout victory.

We hardly resembled the team that dropped 100 last weekend. Our shots weren't falling and our transition defense was sloppy. I swear we could do way better next time.

We're having two consecutive bye-weeks, so it'll be a while until we hit the court again.

With JP and JR having off-days, Herbert picked up the slack, scoring a game-high 17 points. Jon had a solid outing, finishing with 12 points, 12 rebounds and 2 blocks.

Highlight of the game? While we had a subpar game today, we weren't short of hilarious moments. Right now, it's a toss up between Vinchi losing his shorts after a rebound, underwear exposed, and Bon spraining his ankle and injuring himself just as the final buzzer sounded.

Record: 2-0
Next game: vs Emerson-GMDC - June 7, Saturday, at The Zone

Friday, May 16, 2008

Same old, same old

I rarely get to see my barkada anymore but I had lunch with a good friend of mine about a month ago. After the usual catching up part, he tells me, "Blek, mukhang hindi ka pa rin nagbabago," in reference to one aspect of my life.

Dude, you are spot on. I always go back.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Alumni survey

I was surprised to receive a survey questionnaire from the Ateneo School of Humanities. I was never really the ideal student back in college so it does come as a shock.

I would normally skip these emails but I took a different route this time. I actually took time out to read and accomplish the survey. I sent it right back after about 5 minutes.

It feels good to somehow give something back to your alma mater, no matter how petty or trivial it may seem.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Between the lines

I just saw something that kinda put me off a bit.

I dunno but I think some things are better left unsaid.

In physical pain

I jammed three fingers. I stubbed a toe. There's a pinched nerve in my left shoulder. My surgically-repaired knee is banged up.

Shit, I'm like a walking injury list. Can't wait to see what's next.

Monday, May 12, 2008

MCBL: Season opener

JR and I were late for our season opener last Saturday. We got lost despite having been to The Zone a number of times. We took a wrong turn and we couldn't manage our way back. Blame Makati for its stupid one-way roads and no-left-or-U-turn intersections. It made us miss the opening tip.

So it was the first time majority of the guys played together. Surprisingly, we did very well. We beat Sky Printing quite comfortably, 100-68. It was relatively over by halftime. We were just too deep, they couldn't catch up with our transition game. Think Phoenix Suns fastbreak. We never even expected to breach the century mark.

JR led four IBS players in double-digits with a team-high 21 points. JP followed with 18 points. Jon and Herbert had 17 and 11, respectively.

Play of the game? An Edward catch-and-shoot buzzer beater to end the first half via a steal-and-pass from JR. Simply DIRTY!

Record: 1-0
Next game: vs Emerson - May 17, Saturday, at The Zone

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Let's take time out today to honor our mothers. I'm truly blessed to have a wonderful (yet sometimes annoying) mom. She's all I have. Really.

I have so much to thank her for. She did a splendid job raising us single-handedly while trying to make ends meet. I remember telling her about a decade or so ago that I grew up never needing or wanting a father. I don't recall ever asking about my dad too. She's just all that and so much more.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

In the dumps

I feel shitty. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get anything right.

Not only is this a miserable feeling, it's bleeding me dry as well.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Game Day

We've waited long enough for today, as the MCBL officially opens with a slew of games lined up. We'll miss several players who have other engagements. Hopefully, we'll get over the opening day jitters, as we calm our nerves and deliver a good performance.

I have nothing on Sky Printing, our opponents later tonight. No news, no scouting report, no nothing. I just hope it ain't a bunch of thugs masquerading as a genuine corporate team.

Let's see how our season opener pans out. Game time is at 5pm, at The Zone in Makati.

Film-filled week

We've been tearing up the cinemas lately, having watched Iron Man, What Happens In Vegas and Speed Racer on successive nights. That's actually three movies in four nights. We had an Iron Man do over, not out of choice mind you. Let's just say something big came up.

Don't even ask what. Haha.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

MCBL: First game

The MCBL opening weekend schedule just came out and we're up against Sky Printing on Saturday, May 10, at The Zone in Makati. I'm not familiar with our opponents but I hope they don't send their drivers, maintenance or utility people out to play for them.

Anyway, we're looking forward to our first game and get this season started. Hopefully, we can come out, play well, and start the season with a W.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Labor day weekend

Save for the IBM basketball gig earlier, this might be the worst four-day stretch I've had ever.

Alright, maybe not ever but at least in a very long time.

NBA Playoffs: 2nd Round

The Conference Semifinals (aka Round 2) of the NBA postseason officially started today. Here are my picks:

Edit (May 5, 2008): Boston just blew out Atlanta in Game 7 earlier this morning, they win the series, 4-1.

EAST (Team in CAPS has homecourt advantage)

(1)BOSTON vs (4)Cleveland

The Celtics had a scare against lowly Atlanta. Still, they are NBA's number one team. Boston will dispose of Lebron and the Cavs in 6 games.

(2)DETROIT vs (3)Orlando

Once zoned in, no one can stop the Pistons, not even Dwight Howard. Depending on their motivation, I'd say Detroit in 5, 6 or 7 games. Haha. You never know when the Pistons will take their games seriously.

WEST (Team in CAPS has homecourt advantage)

(1)LA LAKERS vs (4)Utah

I don't see how Utah can stop league MVP Kobe. I can see the Lakeshow losing a game though. LA in 5.

(2)NEW ORLEANS vs (3)San Antonio

I'd go with my heart again on this one. I love Chris Paul. I hate Tim Duncan. I don't care how long the series goes, but I'm picking the Hornets to reach the Conference Finals.


Basketball season is just about to start for the IBS team. We're joining the MPG Corporate Basketball League (MCBL) First Conference which opens next weekend. I attended the league GA last Friday to finalize the divisions. We were unable to settle the divisions though due to some unpaid teams. However, at least initially, IBS is placed in Division B alongside Cebuana Lhuillier, Pepsi, Shell and HSBC. The divisions may still change up until Wednesday I think.

Our team's core is basically anchored around the IBS Sportsfest champion LeNoBo team, the same group who placed third in one of the MPG Ateneo Invitational divisions last year. We've added quite a number of standout players from the other internal IBS teams, but we've lost a few key contributors as well. All in all though, I believe this is a stronger team compared to last year's.

We're looking to surpass last year's third place finish, hopefully getting into the finals this time.


Holdovers (Account/Domain/Department)

Bon Enriquez (Supply Chain)
JC Javier (HR)
JR Bulaon (Discover)
JP Sarmiento (Lenovo)
Darwin Carmona (Avon)
Erwin Dotimas (HR)
Emer Eustaquio (Payroll)
Paolo Gonzalez (HR)


Edward Reyes (SSM)
Albert Velasco (SSM)
Alvin Villegas (CQM)
Jon Diokno (Allstate)
Josef Reyes (Allstate)
Daryl Deang (HR)
Ojie Ylagan (HR)
Vinchi Tayag (HR)
Herbert Vergara (RESO)

Losses (from last year)

JV De Guzman (P&G)
Vince Borromeo (P&G)
Joe Camacho (Sunrise)
Louie Gomez (Procurement)
John Vingno (RESO)
Gian Pascual (HR)
Edgar Garcia (HR)
Jon De Leon (IT)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

NBA Playoffs update

Alright, so most of my predictions went whack... I was using my heart over my brain again. Admittedly, my picks were not the most logical and rational. I was choosing based on who I wanted to win.

Anyway, here's what has happened in the first round so far:


(1)BOSTON vs (8)Atlanta:

The series is tied at 3 games apiece. Many people were thinking Celtic sweep here, me included. Obviously, the Hawks have proven us wrong and have matched up pretty well. Win-or-go-home game 7 is on Monday.

(2)DETROIT vs (7)Philadelphia:

I said the Pistons will sweep the city of brotherly love. Detroit decides to take them out in 6 games. I honestly believe the Detroit players made a ton of money in this series.

(3)ORLANDO vs (6)Toronto:

I went out on a limb and said the Raptors will win in 7. Dwight Howard shut me up and the Magic took it in 5.

(4)CLEVELAND vs (5)Washington:

I finally got something right. King James leads the Cavs to a 4-2 series win over the Wizards.


(1)LA LAKERS vs (8)Denver:

This one was purely emotional. I hate Kobe so much I said Denver will win in 7 games. Guess what? MVP Kobe delivers a strong statement and sweeps the Nuggets.

(2)NEW ORLEANS vs (7)Dallas:

I thought this series could go to 6 games. Chris Paul thought differently. He killed Jason Kidd and the Mavericks in 5.

(3)SAN ANTONIO vs (6)Phoenix:

Another emotional prediction, I went with Nash and the Suns in 7 games. The Spurs took Phoenix to school and had them graduate in 5.

(4)Utah vs (5)HOUSTON:

Another of my stupid picks, I had Houston in 5. Utah finished the Rockets in 6.

My series record: East 2-1 (Boston-Atlanta pending); West 1-3. I need Boston to win to at least get a .500 split. Else, I drop to 3-5.

Previous post:
NBA Playoff Predictions

Friday, May 02, 2008

Exotics and Expats

I happened to be at the Greenbelt area a number of times during the past couple of weeks. Couldn't help but notice the overwhelmingly exotic local and expat crowd gathered at Cafe Havana.

Ever wonder what's with pinays hooking up with geriatric foreigners?

Quite possibly, it's a quick (and perhaps fairly easy) get-out-of-jail strategy for them. Can't blame them though. Financial security is hard to come by these days.

Oooh. The powers of the greenback.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Random musing on local shopping malls

Call me bored or what but I was ranking malls today. For some reason, Glorietta is at the bottom of my list.

I guess it just doesn't suit me.


While I'm stuck at home doing nothing, SY left for Bangkok this morning and will be staying there until Monday.

Ang sarap naman. Kakainggit.

Hey you, enjoy the trip and have fun. But not too much. Haha.

Don't forget my tamarind candies.

Labor Day

It's not a long weekend but it certainly feels like one. Having no work today because of Labor Day will make it real difficult to wake up tomorrow and get my ass off to Eastwood knowing it's the last day of the work week. I can actually see lot of people calling in sick tomorrow.