Saturday, August 02, 2008

Macao Kings

If there's one thing to describe our 36-hour Hongkong/Macau swing, it was simply mindblowing. We got everything we hoped for... and so much more.

A couple of shoutouts to those who made our stay undeniably unforgettable:

To the Pagcor folks - A million thanks for upgrading our seats to ringside. It was heaps better than our original seats. Thanks for adopting us for the rest of the night as well.

To Shong - Appreciate your kind gesture to offer your Venetian room if we don't have any place to crash. At least, we had our worst-case scenario covered.

To Erwin - Tangina, pare. I'll make this simple. You rock. Please pass the word to Boyet as well. Can't wait til our next Asian rendezvous.

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