Friday, April 10, 2009

Over rib-eye and Rock Band

I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from a friend earlier inviting me for a steak cookout tonight. I had zero plans for Maundy Thursday so it was definitely something to look forward to.

Those who know me know that I rarely eat beef. But I know my friend cooks a mean steak so I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I also played Rockband for the first time. I could understand how and why people get addicted. It is fun and it keeps my competitive juices flowing everytime I make a mistake and mess up. But I just can't get the hang of playing the drums. It just gets me so disoriented I end up being all frustrated.

Oh yeah, I heard they have it for DS. I don't usually play with mine but I just might get myself one.

Edit: They don't have it for DS yet but there are plans on releasing one. An alternative would be Guitar Hero, which is already available for DS. I don't like it though.

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