Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Deja Vu

I came from my weekly Tuesday basketball gig tonight. Everything went well for most of the night as I was pretty much in the zone, short of being unstoppable. Until I stepped on someone else's foot toward the end of the last game, as we were leading by a big margin. My left ankle tweaked, rolled and turned as I fell to the floor. I immediately recounted my last ordeal with a major injury. I fractured my right ankle last July and it immobilized me for weeks. I had a cement cast on and needed crutches to get around. It was a nightmarish deja vu to say the least.

I was praying hard that it's nothing but a mild sprain as I can't really afford to break another bone (both financially and psychologically). Good thing though I was able to walk it off and it didn't get swollen. The ABL season is starting in mid-January and Team Adidas can't afford to miss my services. Haha.

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