Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Chrismukkah!

Alright, alright enough with the hybrid celebration of Christmas and the Jewish Hanukkah. It's obvious that I dig watching Fox's "The O.C." Can't help it, Mischa Barton is one hot chick. Anyway, spent most of today at my grandmother's place. We just had a little get-together over at lunch. Since it's Christmas, I told myself I could cheat my way into eating food that I wouldn't touch under normal circumstances. For those who know me well, you guys should have an idea what I'm talking about. So I munched on KFC, with the skin mind you, as well as Cheetos. Man, did it feel really good. Haha! My friends would normally comment that I always deprive myself and that I'm missing half my life. Having had my diet for about 5 years now, I'm so accustomed to it already I hardly think about cheating. So I have several more hours to eat chicken skin and junk food then it's back to business once midnight hits. Oh yeah, it does remind me that I have to hit the gym tomorrow as well. Basketball season starts in a few weeks and I have to get myself into game-shape soon. Not that I'm out-of-shape or anything like that.

This is my orthorexic kind of lifestyle... interesting ain't it?

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