Saturday, October 28, 2006

Goin' under the knife

I received word yesterday that insurance will be covering my whole ACL reconstruction surgery. Initially, Intellicare said that the surgical screws are not part of the plan, so they will not be able to cover it. FYI, these J&J-made screws cost Php 30-35k.

Now I only have to worry about scheduling my operation. I'm looking at late November as I probably need to take a couple of weeks off for recovery. December is not a hectic month for the WFM team so I think they can afford to let me take a break. Hmm... come to think of it, they do not have a choice. It's health over work anytime.

I wish Barbie could be here for my operation. It seems highly unlikely though as she still hasn't settled completely in Singapore. Going back to Manila that soon doesn't seem to be a good and practical idea for now.

I miss you too, bu.

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