Sunday, December 17, 2006

Back to business

I'm reporting back to work tomorrow after a three week hiatus. I feel much better now as I can walk normally albeit slowly. The surgical wound is close to fully healing but there's still pain on the bruised areas. Stiffness is very prevalent. It's difficult to flex and extend my knee and leg. With proper rehab, I feel confident I'll regain full mobility in a few months. Overall, I believe I'm just right on schedule.

Anyhow, my gratitude and appreciation go out to the following:

Many thanks to my physicians, Dr. Mikey Bengzon (orthopaedic
surgeon) and Dr. Lea Montemayor (anesthesiologist) for a successful

The staff of The Medical City, especially my nurses for
the round-a-clock supervision.

My HMO, Intellicare, for footing the bill. I racked up
about 140 g's in total.

My manager, Joan and the rest of WFM for multitasking in
my absence.

My friends, colleagues and family for all the
encouragement and support.

I'm looking to get back to status quo, and it all starts tomorrow.


Kimmy said...

"My HMO, Intellicare, for footing the bill. I racked up
about 140 g's in total."

You're welcome. ;)

Happy holidays Gonzy! Hey, we still haven't met up, ah...

- kimmy

Gameover said...

Thanks, Kimmy. Though Intellicare gave me the runaround first before IBM interceded.

All's well though.
