Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bring it on

I've received some criticisms regarding my posts about the subic rape case. Apparently, this person calls me the dumbest blogger for expressing my opinion. It's funny how I irked this person so much. Never thought it will spark hostility amongst anyone. Anyhow, I'm well aware that I definitely won't be pleasing everyone with my thoughts. Kanya-kanyang blog lang yan. I have all the right to say what I want, the same way anyone else can speak their minds out too.

Oh and if it matters, there are a whole lot of other folks who share the same sentiments as I do. I wonder if they've received the same backlash from this hoodrat.

Anyway, I left the comments despite being blatantly bastos. I can actually feel all the emotion and rancor behind (the comments). Oh well, to each his own. Whatever floats your boat.

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