Wednesday, August 08, 2007


So Barry Bonds just broke the most hallowed of baseball records, he's now the all-time homerun king. He sneaked past legend Hank Aaron with a fifth-inning shot today, his 756th career homerun, over centerfield. Washington's Mike Bacsik is the unlucky pitcher who surrendered the milestone homerun.

Of course, this record comes with the most tainted of controversies. Most of the whole world believes that Bonds is/was juicing himself with steroids. It's something he has never admitted to but everything points out to him being guilty. On paper, Barry Bonds may be number one. But in the eyes of many (yours truly included), Hank Aaron is still the king.

That is, until A-Rod slugs his way to breaking the record in a few years time. This time, the world will cheer. So will I.

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