Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hidalgo adventure

I'm not into pictures. But after months of thinking whether I should get a camera or not, I finally decided to take a trip to Hidalgo Street in Quiapo (it's the mecca for photography enthusiasts) to check for cameras. I've heard a lot of good stories about Hidalgo, so I braved the Manila traffic this morning. It was quite an adventure as I'm not familiar with the area. I was pondering on taking the train, but I was scared I'd get lost in the Manila jungle. That being said, I just took a cab.

It was hella chaotic there though. There were just too many vendors, too many hawkers, too many people in general. I've heard of people getting mugged in Quiapo so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Carrying along my ThinkPad didn't help my cause either.

It was all good though. I bought an Ixus 70, which was exactly what I wanted except for the color. I was hoping for the black unit, which was out of stock so I had to settle for the silver. It was about 8.5k cheaper than mall price so it was quite a nice steal.

Now, if only I can find enough use for it.

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