Friday, August 11, 2006

Fearless or Stupid?

Due to insistent peer pressure, I decided to swing by the weekly IBM basketball gig. I initially planned to going to the gym to work out and rehab my knees, but the temptation to play ball was much too great.

I was telling an officemate of mine, this is a "high-risk-low-reward" situation for me. Why would I risk so much for a simple pickup game. My mom was saying I am fearless bordering on stupid for even thinking of playing this early. In a way, I guess she's right.

I was able to go through the motions without much trouble. There were a few times where in I felt pain on sudden stops and turns. This accounts for the sprained knee that came with the partial ACL tear. Overall, it was a good run for me. I needed to know I can still play at a level near game speed as it will prepare me psychologically. Tearing your ACL is just as difficult mentally as it is physically.

A few more weeks of rehab and therapy and I should get close to a hundred percent soon.

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