Thursday, August 24, 2006

The New Coke Light

I saw the new ads for Coke Light in the major dailies last week. Flashback to several months ago... I was part of the focus group that the ad agency created to discuss the product. We were about 6 in my group, and they rounded up three groups all in all. It was held in Ortigas, in one of the buildings near UA&P.

As the current ad campaign says, the new Coke Light proudly emphasizes that it is calorie-free.

I remember being skeptical about it as I believed (and still believe) it was useless. The previous Coke Light had less than one (1) calorie, and this new one has zero. Wow, what a huge difference less than a calorie will make.

Other than a big marketing ploy, the product changed very little, if there is any at all.

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