Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jones Fracture

It's been a while since I've had any major injuries but that streak ended in 2014 when I broke my foot last September.

I was playing in a weekend league when I landed on my opponent's foot while coming down from jump. The impact caused the base of my fifth metatarsal to break, while giving me a third degree ankle sprain as well.

The bone cracked in multiple places, but wasn't severe enough to require surgery to fix. Just had to put my right foot in an Aircast walking boot for 6 weeks. I recovered well enough to be able to resume playing after 7 weeks.

May have lost count already, but I think this was my 6th major injury (2 torn ACLs, a broken nose, 3 broken ankles and/or third degree sprains). Basketball never stops though.

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