Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Art of Worrying

I was talking to a good friend of mine last night. She had love problems to share and she said she needed a guy's point of view. She continued by saying I was the only person she could talk to about it because I was the only close guy friend she has who didn't know the guy involved.

Anyway, as our conversation progressed, I learned that she's a pessimist, a worrywart just like me. It's funny because I never seem to look at the brighter side of things. I always have to find something negative. Some friends tease me that worrying takes up most of my time. They're probably right, too. I guess I just refuse to be optimistic because I have an 'expect-the-worst-hope-for-the-best' attitude. I'd rather sulk now then be gratified later than rejoice now only to be disappointed thereafter.

One thing I know for sure is that it's totally not healthy. I actually suffer because of the stress, and it takes a huge toll on my body as well. I need to rehab this bad trait of mine, but I doubt it'll ever go away. Talk about pessimism at its finest.

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