Sunday, November 06, 2005

Smells Like Teen Spirit

We had to help out a 17-year-old damsel in distress a couple of hours ago. We met her through a common friend while hanging out in Greenbelt. Anyway, it was about 3am already and she didn't have a ride home. She said she didn't want to go home to her place, because her boyfriend's sleeping there and they're not in good terms. She was to sleep at her friend's place in Sta. Mesa, and needed a ride going there. She didn't have her wallet with her too, so that took away the taxi option. Besides, with what she was wearing, I seriously see 'coed raped by taxi driver' in tomorrow's headlines. So before she fucks her way into hitching with someone else, we decided to take her. During the ride, she blabbed about being 'basag' and how she kept downing V's in Greenbelt. She also bragged about being a 'playa' and sleeping in different people's houses. WTF, true players don't even admit to anything. It's the last thing they want other people to think. I don't know if she was trying to impress us or what, but it certainly annoyed the hell out of me.

I pity her for living that kind of lifestyle. She thinks she's fly and all. I can't blame her though because everyone goes through that stage. At any rate, she'll learn soon enough that life doesn't revolve around sex, drugs, and parties. I hope she realizes that before her life gets totally fucked up. Otherwise, the next time she goes and asks for a favor, "Get down girl, go 'head, get down".

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