Friday, November 18, 2005

Home Boy

I've spent the last two nights stuck at home either sleeping, watching tv or playing Madden. This has been a rarity recently as I've gone out practically everyday (or night) since I quit work over a month ago. Usually we'd take a night off to rest and recharge, but two consecutive nights? Not a chance.

Anyway, I needed to catch up on my zzzz's too so it's a welcome sight for me to finally get some much-deserved shut-eye. It's Friday already so I'm expecting another busy weekend coming up and I won't be able to sleep soundly anymore.

I'm on full battery now, and I'm ready to roll.

Bring it on.

Oh yeah, it's my good friend's birthday today. Happy Birthday Padron! We'll round up some young'n's and lighten up the party.

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