Thursday, November 10, 2005

Unexpected HS Reunion

I was strolling down the Greenbelt strip last night, when I heard an unfamiliar howl. As I turned to check out who they were, I was happily suprised to see most of my Ateneo HS barkada having drinks. We've all gone our separate ways after graduating from high school. Though we all went to Ateneo for college, we've never really been in touch except for the occasional hi-hello when bumping into each other in campus.

These cats have hit it big now, both as a group and individually as well. I remember them having to go through a bevy of band transformations just to find the right mix. After multiple roster and name changes, failures included, ChicoSci was finally born. And like they say, the rest is history.

I've never been a 'rocker', that's why people sometimes wonder how I managed to fit in with this bunch of rockstars considering I never really digged their music since way back. I remember sleeping most of the time during band rehearsals and gigs. When it came to music, I wasn't into Korn, Deftones or Tool unlike these guys. But we all managed to click together as a barkada. Besides, these cats were once average AHS students too.

High school will never be the same without these guys. I will always have fond memories of the Gazeeboys. It's nice seeing you guys again.

Til the next time... cheers!

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