Friday, February 16, 2007

From Cyberone to 1800

Since joining IBM, I've relocated workstations twice already. Heck, we're moving again. The whole WFM team is relocating to the spanking new 1800 Eastwood Avenue building right in front of McDonald's.

The good? It's very huge. One floor there equals to about two-and-a-half floors in Cyberone. As a result, the whole team will fit with still enough space for expansion. Moreover, we'll be using IP-ready phone handsets already. They're easier to use than the old units we have. We'll also have huddle rooms for our dedicated use. No need to go get reservations from the business center. Oh yeah,we'll be having our own testing center as well.

The bad? The 7th floor of 1800 prohibits the use of mobile pedestals. I find no reason for this except that it will soon house the entire contact center operations. As with the normal call center industry practice, pedestals aren't allowed on the operations floor.

The hassle? As we will now be utilizing the IP phones, we will all be issued new local numbers. They won't allow us to use our existing locals. It'll be a bitch trying to update everyone.

The worse? The WFM team will now be serving three sites (Cyberone, IBM Plaza, 1800). It's gonna be hell doing the rounds on all these floors, especially for the selection team.

The worst? Our stay on the 7th floor is temporary. Meaning, we will eventually move out again once a permament fixture is found for WFM, and when the contact center folks move in.

All this trouble for our temporary settlement. I ain't even sure it's worth it.

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