Sunday, February 25, 2007

Life is sometimes fair

It sucks to be Kris Aquino (Yap) nowadays. I can just imagine the amount of stress she's going through. She's in a delicate situation, being seven months pregnant and she's bombarded with issues regarding her philandering husband, basketball player James Yap. Details of his extra-marital affair with a Belo Medical Group girl surfaced in recent weeks. Rumor has it that the girl might be pregnant. If it's true, then James will be having three kids within the same age range. James fathered a kid with a former girlfriend prior to being with Kris. And yeah, Kris might not be willing to admit but her child with Phillip Salvador is suffering from a mental illness.

If it's any consolation, she has a ton of money to go with her dysfunctional life.

It just goes to show that you can't have everything.

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