Sunday, February 11, 2007

Random ramblings about Singapore

- It's such a secure and safe place that you don't even see policemen around. Heck, they don't even check your bags when you enter establishments.

- It's a very chic and cosmopolitan city, that (almost) everyone in their workforce is well-dressed. Maporma silang lahat.

- Some Singaporeans are insanely rich. I met a Indian guy whose daily driver is a Rolls Royce. It wasn't a Seraph or a Phantom, but it's still a Rolls. Oh yeah, he looked butt ugly too. I wouldn't trade places with him.

- Their public transportation system is outstanding. I feel like I never want to ride our own MRT/LRT anymore.

- Their public housing units (HDB's) are nicer than most condominiums here in Manila.

- Singapore's well-known cleanliness is a bit overrated. Most of their washrooms ain't clean. Of course, Manila washrooms are worse and incomparable. But still.

- With that in mind, Paragon's washrooms are the best (very clean and very nice).

- Tangs has the best fitting room I've seen.

- The Ministry of Sound at Clark Quay is freaking huge. It's like Embassy times ten minus Manila's social climbing crowd. That makes it a bajillion times better.

- Wherever Pinoys are in the world, they just have to congregate and mix it up at one place. Apparently in Singapore, it's the Lucky Plaza along Orchard Road.

- The Orchard Road experience is never complete until you jaywalk.

- Contrary to public perception, Singaporeans are actually nice.

- Contrary to what I've been hearing, I never saw Singaporeans blatantly making out in public. I was actually on the lookout. Too bad I didn't catch any.

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