Thursday, September 27, 2007

Impatiently queueing at BDO

I went to BDO right after the Ateneo-DLSU game. Since it was about 5:45 pm, I thought I'd breeze through the bank to pay some bills. I got in with two people in front of me as we lined up at the counters.

Lo and behold, there was this IBMer who took forever to pay her bills. I guess it's the first time she's paying via check because she hardly had any idea what to do. Worse, the teller asked her to rewrite her payment slips thrice!!! Oh my golly. All in all, it took the lady about twenty minutes to finish. Judging from how she looked, she must've been in her 30's.

Naman. Sometimes, there are some dumb folks who get past recruitment. Hopefully, the smart ones outnumber them.

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