Monday, March 27, 2006

Third week

I'm going on my third week on the job. I have to admit things have been pretty tight recently, having a lot of things to do, job orders to process and vacancies to fill in. I'm not complaining though. I'm having a really great time.

It's a bit weird though cause I'm the type who normally wants to leave work by about 6 pm. During my past work experiences, you will hardly see me at the office after 6. Yet now here at IBM, I usually get to leave at about 7 pm. And again, I'm not complaining.

In a few hours I'll have to get ready for work. I don't think I'll be able to sleep well anymore as I've spent the whole Sunday dozing off and catching up some much needed shut-eye. It's going to be another long week ahead and I can't wait til Friday comes.

But again, I'm not complaining.

Friday, March 24, 2006

IBS Basketball

A group of IBMers play basketball regularly at the Ateneo College covered courts. It was funny because there are a lot of Ateneans in IBM (all across the different subsidiaries, IBM Philippines, IBM Business Services, and IBM Solutions Delivery) yet more than half of those who play don't come from Ateneo. As a result, I was actually wondering why the games are scheduled there. Anyway, I welcome it nonetheless as I live like 5 minutes away from school. It's such a convenient venue for me.

I played with the main group for the first time last night. I say 'main' because there is another group that plays as well but in a different venue (coincidentally also along Katipunan though). It was interesting as I was not familiar about how these IBMers play. Having been used to serious and intense games, I wasn't sure how competitive my officemates were. I was hoping that they will provide enough spunk and attitude otherwise I might find the games boring and lackluster. Who would want that?

I was glad they took the game seriously. At the back of my head though I was thinking maybe they were just trying to show off because there were new guys playing. You know how territorial people are. They get motivated when they think someone's trying to encroach at their space. At any rate, I welcomed the challenge.

I was able to put on a little show. I guess I was a bit lucky because my shots were falling in. I was scoring at will with an assortment of shots both from inside and the perimeter. Highlight of the day? I got the ball just across halfcourt with the game tied (and on the line). I called for isolation, made a couple of dribbles capped with a quick head-and-shoulder fake. Swish. I sank a spectacular gamewinning trey from the top of the key with a hand on my face, to seal the victory for my team.

I couldn't have scripted the night any better. What a way to introduce myself to IBM basketball.

Monday, March 20, 2006

ABL 2006 in review

The 2006 ABL season officially ended Saturday night with the annual fellowship dinner. My team's season ended two weeks ago with a semifinal loss to Accenture.

This was a breakout year for me, as I played the best basketball in my four seasons in the league. As a result, I've decided to list down some of the major highlights of my season. I'm not doing this to brag about anything (it's just a game), but to mark the gradual improvement I've had since my rookie season in 2003.

-I was named to the All-Division Second Team, ranking 9th overall.

-I ranked among the top 4 in the division in three categories based on averages: 1st in steals (2.86), 2nd in assists (4.6) and 4th in freethrow percentage (61.1%).

-I placed among the top 10 in the division in two other categories: 5th in field goal percentage (45.3%) and 8th in scoring (14.4).

-I led Team Adidas in the following categories: scoring, total points, field goal percentage, freethrow percentage, field goals made, freethrows made and attempted, assists, steals, and minutes played.

It was an outstanding season for me, on an individual level. My team didn't do as well as we wanted to yet we managed to snag third place. It's not that bad after all.

I'm looking forward to next season. The countdown to January 2007 starts now.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

So Surreal

I actually had written quite a long entry for today. However, after re-reading it for the nth time, I decided to take it down and write a shorter version. I just thought the blog entry was just too detailed.

Here's the gist.

I just got back from Eastwood like 30 minutes ago. I had coffee with a friend and her cousin. Nothing unusual with that right?

Not really. See, I thought I'd never be able to see her because she left for the States and Canada last July. From what I know, she was deadset on staying there for the long haul. Apparently, she has changed her mind. I think she's back here in Manila for good.

Anyhow, it was a surreal experience altogether. It was just totally unexpected.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Back to Work

I started work already last week. I'm going on my second week now and things have been looking bright so far. I'm enjoying myself to the max. New colleagues, new environment... it's a totally new experience and I'm still overwhelmed.

I'm still on my honeymoon stage here at work. There's not much to do yet. There's not much expected of me either. At least not yet. We're encountering minor hitches because the HR department will be undergoing restructuring, and we're doing it phase by phase. We still have a lot more people joining the team, so it will take time before we can all gel together. Moreover, there's still pending work and backlog to be finished. As a result, we cannot fully focus on the organizational realignment.

Anyway, with the way things are going so far, I think it's going to be an enjoyable experience for me. I actually look forward to coming to work everyday. It's something I haven't felt in a very long time.

This is an awesome start.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Officially an IBMer

I received a job offer from IBM Business Services (IBS) last week. They wanted me to join their HR team as a Recruitment Specialist. We didn't go through the specific details yet, but granting we agree on all terms, I was supposed start next Monday, March 13.

It was the first job offer that I seriously considered. I got a couple of ones recently, but I got turned off by a variety of reasons. This one was different though. Maybe because it's from IBM, or maybe because the proximity is so endearing. Nevertheless, from what we've talked about, I was very interested.

I went back earlier today to iron out the details with them. They formally gave me their offer, with the official contract on hand too. We discussed the contract, and needless to say, I was pleased with everything.

So I signed on already, thus officially making me part of the IBM family. I'm quite excited to finally work again. The only downside was they wanted to me to start earlier. In fact, they want me to come in this Thursday already. I thought I still had roughly a week to enjoy bumming. Alas, I have to cut it short, and end the scintillating run of enjoyment I've had since October.

At any rate, it has been a wonderful and enjoyable 5 month ride. It was real good while it lasted. Absolutely no regrets.

Monday, March 06, 2006

End of Season

The magical run is over.

After 7 regular season games and 2 semifinal matches, our season is finally over. We lost to a determined Accenture squad last night. Like our first meeting, this one proved to be another nailbiter, as we found ourselves at the short end of the stick, losing 55-57. We never really expected to go this far, not with a horrendous regular season record. But we managed to make the season more interesting with a huge semifinal win over Unilab.

On a personal note, this was the worst game I've had this year. I think I had season lows in practically all of the major categories (points, field goal and freethrow percentage most especially). This was the toughest defense I've seen all year too. The only times I failed to reach double figures were in the two games we faced them. Their defense is way better than top-ranked Globe in my opinion. Globe has too much firepower though.

At any rate, all good things must come to an end. It was a great run while it lasted. It's just too bad that we have to wait until January 2007 before the next season starts.

Damn, that's a pretty long wait.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sweet Revenge!

After two blowout losses in the eliminations to the Unilab team, we were finally able to beat them. It was a tremendous feat for Adidas as we lost to Unilab by an average of 10 points in our first two meetings. Getting a win was satisfying because we haven't tasted victory in a long time. But to beat them in a knockout semfinal match at that, the win was infinitely sweeter. That meant advancing to the next round to meet second-seeded Accenture, effectively ending Unilab's season.

I expected a closely fought match, as our previous games against them were tightly-contested ones. They just managed to pull away in the last quarter of both games. That's why the score doesn't reflect how good the games were played. This game was tight from the get-go. We had an early 6-0 lead to start off the first quarter. We went cold from then on as they made a strong 12-0 blast with the quarter ending 12-6 in their favor. The game was close from then on. Unilab held a two point lead going into the fourth quarter, 30-28. We pulled away using a strong run in the middle of the fourth, with three clutch treys from our wingmen. We managed to keep them in check and hold on for the double-digit victory. I'm not sure of the final score, but I know it wasn't close.

Great game for Adidas. The magical run continues.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Long and Short of Dating

I had just gone over an article, "Does She Want To Date You?" written by Alan Goldsher. It basically outlines the signs that women give to show they're interested in a guy. I assumed most guys, especially those who have had quite a number of past relationships, already know the ins-and-outs of dating and courtship. I was wrong though. There is still a big chunk of guys who don't know what to do. They cannot comprehend the signals that women are giving, possibly because they may have been burned in the past and are fearing rejection. I have to admit though that some women are just absolutely malabo. They just send out complex, mixed signals that you'd really go crazy trying to figure them out.

At any rate, there aren't any set rules in dating as we cannot standardize the process. There's no such thing as a guidebook to dating or courtship as well. Although articles about it can impart knowledge and information, they will not provide a blow-by-blow account of what you should do when faced with certain scenarios. I think one should follow his or her gut feel when dealing with it. It will always come down to how you feel about the situation at hand. If you think you stand a chance, and if she's giving the right signals, by all means pursue it. But if you're wary about the likelihood that she feels the same way about you, go ahead and bail out. All's fair in love and war.

Remember, even the slickest of casanovas get tongue-tied and confused too. So it's totally normal to feel lost and baffled. Be sure to analyze the whole scenario properly because at the end of the day, no one else can make a decision for you but yourself.

Whether you decide to push all the chips and go all in, or surrender the game and fold, just make sure you see the flop. At least there's a rational explanation to your action. Bluffing won't get you anywhere here. And if the outcome is not what you wanted, just take it in stride and charge to experience. Shit happens even to the best of us.

Happy hunting!

One of Them Better Days

I haven't had the best of weeks recently. It's been a stressful month or so to say the least. Most of which stems from the fact that I have to find work soon. Not only just work though, but it has to be something I'd really like to do. Otherwise, it's not going to work out in the long run.

For some reason, I woke up feeling really good yesterday. I dunno why, but it was such a welcome surprise considering I haven't been sleeping soundly lately.

The day turned out pretty good too. I had a job interview with Globe Telecom in the afternoon. It went well in my opinion. I had quite a good discussion with the people who interviewed. I think I made a nice impression as well. Incidentally, much to my surprise, I had met their recruitment manager already. We were both guests at Boy Abunda's Home Boy over at ABS-CBN almost a year ago. The topic was about HR recruitment practices. I was the representative for the call center industry, while she was the resource person for the telecommunications industry. It was a good thing that she remembers me. I hope that adds bearing to my application, as she has the final say when it comes to recruitment decisions. Come to think of it, I'd love to work for Globe. I wouldn't think twice if ever they made an offer.

Later in the day, I received a bit of good news still from a jobhunting standpoint. I was being asked by IBM to report for another interview later today (March 1). It was going to be my third interview with them. I've heard around that if IBM invites you for an interview for a third time, it usually is pleasant news. I honestly thought that it was over for me there as I haven't heard from them for over three weeks already. They told me the last time that they'd contact me if ever. Being an HR practitioner, I know that most of the time the call never comes. It was indeed a surprising development.

It seems like the future's looking bright. I hope things work out, either with Globe or IBM. I'm raring to go back and join the workforce.