Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Back to Work

I started work already last week. I'm going on my second week now and things have been looking bright so far. I'm enjoying myself to the max. New colleagues, new environment... it's a totally new experience and I'm still overwhelmed.

I'm still on my honeymoon stage here at work. There's not much to do yet. There's not much expected of me either. At least not yet. We're encountering minor hitches because the HR department will be undergoing restructuring, and we're doing it phase by phase. We still have a lot more people joining the team, so it will take time before we can all gel together. Moreover, there's still pending work and backlog to be finished. As a result, we cannot fully focus on the organizational realignment.

Anyway, with the way things are going so far, I think it's going to be an enjoyable experience for me. I actually look forward to coming to work everyday. It's something I haven't felt in a very long time.

This is an awesome start.

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