Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Long and Short of Dating

I had just gone over an article, "Does She Want To Date You?" written by Alan Goldsher. It basically outlines the signs that women give to show they're interested in a guy. I assumed most guys, especially those who have had quite a number of past relationships, already know the ins-and-outs of dating and courtship. I was wrong though. There is still a big chunk of guys who don't know what to do. They cannot comprehend the signals that women are giving, possibly because they may have been burned in the past and are fearing rejection. I have to admit though that some women are just absolutely malabo. They just send out complex, mixed signals that you'd really go crazy trying to figure them out.

At any rate, there aren't any set rules in dating as we cannot standardize the process. There's no such thing as a guidebook to dating or courtship as well. Although articles about it can impart knowledge and information, they will not provide a blow-by-blow account of what you should do when faced with certain scenarios. I think one should follow his or her gut feel when dealing with it. It will always come down to how you feel about the situation at hand. If you think you stand a chance, and if she's giving the right signals, by all means pursue it. But if you're wary about the likelihood that she feels the same way about you, go ahead and bail out. All's fair in love and war.

Remember, even the slickest of casanovas get tongue-tied and confused too. So it's totally normal to feel lost and baffled. Be sure to analyze the whole scenario properly because at the end of the day, no one else can make a decision for you but yourself.

Whether you decide to push all the chips and go all in, or surrender the game and fold, just make sure you see the flop. At least there's a rational explanation to your action. Bluffing won't get you anywhere here. And if the outcome is not what you wanted, just take it in stride and charge to experience. Shit happens even to the best of us.

Happy hunting!

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