Monday, March 27, 2006

Third week

I'm going on my third week on the job. I have to admit things have been pretty tight recently, having a lot of things to do, job orders to process and vacancies to fill in. I'm not complaining though. I'm having a really great time.

It's a bit weird though cause I'm the type who normally wants to leave work by about 6 pm. During my past work experiences, you will hardly see me at the office after 6. Yet now here at IBM, I usually get to leave at about 7 pm. And again, I'm not complaining.

In a few hours I'll have to get ready for work. I don't think I'll be able to sleep well anymore as I've spent the whole Sunday dozing off and catching up some much needed shut-eye. It's going to be another long week ahead and I can't wait til Friday comes.

But again, I'm not complaining.

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