Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another gamewinner; yet another injury

I hit another pretty gamewinning shot last night. I decided to take over in the waning moments of the game because my teammates flubbed our last two possessions. So I called for an isolation play from the top of the key. After a couple of dribbles and a crossover, I veered towards the right side. I stopped near the elbow, and quickly pulled up for a jumper. Bank shot from eighteen feet.

The night didn't end as well as it started though. Towards the middle of the next game, I got jacked up pretty bad. I jammed my right thumb as an opponent tried to swipe the ball and got my hand at full force. In a matter of minutes, my thumb was swollen and discolored like hell.

It's been quite a while since I last had an injury, whether major or not. I don't miss the feeling at all. I just hope I don't get hurt as much as I've been sinking gamewinners as of late.

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