Monday, April 03, 2006

Hectic Week

The past week at work was too hectic for me as the earliest time I was able to leave the office was past 7 pm. I normally don't stay past 6:30 or so. Anyhow, a lot of things needed to be finished to I had to stay and have dinner at Eastwood instead of eating at home. Hassle cause it's another unforeseen cost implication.

I was looking forward to resting over the weekend as I feel I've lost a lot of sleep recently. I wasn't able to capitalize though, as I still have erratic sleeping habits. Weekend was good as I was able to get back to my usual fitness routine, playing basketball both Saturday and Sunday. Had pretty good games too, hitting gamewinners here and there. Moreover, I was able to finish shopping for additional work clothes which I started late Friday. I don't plan on ditching my normal barong routine but I plan on investing on other stuff as well. Long-sleeves are my thing right now and I can't seem to stop getting more.

At any rate, it was a pretty good weekend minus the rest part. I still need to catch up on some shut-eye, otherwise I feel I'm going to break down soon.

I hope not. I'm a pretty big link in the office chain so I can't bog down otherwise everyone will fall apart too.

I can't afford that. Not yet at least. Haha.

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