Sunday, April 30, 2006

Epoch Audio-Dunlop vs. AAA-Northtech

We played our second game of the season against a veteran AAA-Northtech squad earlier this afternoon. These guys have been battle-tested as this is not their first time joining the Metro Ball Invitational Cup.

We started out flat. Our offense couldn't get going while our opponents went on a fastbreak blitz. We fell behind early as they quickly erected a double-digit lead throughout the first half.

We inched our way closer in the third quarter from stellar plays from our main man, ex-pro standout John Cardel. He was able to drill several jumpers in succession. The third period ended with Northtech holding a very slim lead.

The fourth quarter ended pretty much the way the last one started as we were able to dominate on defense while making plays on the other end. Due to several good offensive sets, we were able to grab the lead and maintain it for most of the period. The last minute was exciting as we had a three point cushion and the ball in their possession. Northtech had good looks from beyond the arc but their shots weren't falling anymore. We were able to grab key defensive rebounds in the closing moments as we pulled away with an 8 point victory.

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