Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Age-Old Question

There are times in life that people wish they were older. When I was 14, I wished I would turn 16 already so I could get my student permit (to drive). When my friends and I were about 16, we wanted to be 18 so we can go ahead and watch adult films at the cinemas. Then I guess as we grow older, the tide changes and we want to revert back to our younger years. People who are 30 want to be 20. People in their 50's do all sorts of things to look 30-ish.

I am 24. I just turned 24 a few weeks ago. But how I wish I was born a couple of years earlier. Why? It's a bit complicated to explain. But being around 26 or 27 right now would definitely be an advantage.

I've always believed that age is nothing but a number. It just quantifies how long one has lived, yet it fails to qualify the kind of life one has had. Between the two, I'll always take quality over quantity.

I know I can't alter my age. It's something I just have to live with. Too bad though cause it certainly would be helpful if I were older, even just a little bit.

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