Sunday, January 08, 2006

Panic Mode

I've been on my self-imposed vacation for about three months now. I decided to quit work and take a break for the rest of the year last October. I'm a bit surprised on how time flies so fast. It's January already and I told myself last year that I needed to start working at least before February swings by. I honestly don't have much choice but to work soon. My resources are somewhat getting depleted already, close to being totally wiped out. I absolutely cannot afford to bum for another month. As a result, I'm in a panic mode already, as I'm pressured to find a job that I'd like to do, more than anything else. At this point, I cannot settle for a meantime job because it's just not gonna work out. I need something that I'd really like doing, and will compensate me properly as well. Usually, you find a really nice job but it doesn't pay well. So you end up getting paid a lot for something that you don't like doing. That just won't cut it for me though.

At any rate, time's running out so fast I have to resolve this soon. Hopefully things will work out and fall into place.

I'll be praying for that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

goodluck i hope you'll be one of the lucky ones who get to have a goodpaying work they'll just think of as play. hehe :)