Monday, January 23, 2006

Knock Before You Enter

We were gonna drop some stuff off at my friend's flat late last night. We were in a bit of a hurry so we can finish early and head home. We were joking around that we might catch his flatmate with a girl. His flatmate, by the way, just started renting like two weeks ago. We came in, then we heard someone say, "Uy pare!". I spotted a couple of pale pilsens off the kitchen sink so we thought he and maybe a few friends are having a drink. My friend, who owns the condo, won't be sleeping there anyway. He just needed to unload his things. Unmindful of the earlier warning, we opened the door fully and then we heard him say, "Pare naman...". Ooops, we then understood they were busy. Before we could close the door though, we saw a glimpse of him preaching the gospel missionary style on the couch. I guess they were really on a mission as he managed to sneak in several pumps even while we were looking. That was just plain nasty.

So we went out and stayed at the floor lobby. Father preacher came out a few minutes later, sweat dripping all over his face and his fly still wide open.

Lesson of the day: Knock first before you open the door, even if it's your own your own place. You'll never know what's going on inside while you're gone.

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