Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Officially an IBMer

I received a job offer from IBM Business Services (IBS) last week. They wanted me to join their HR team as a Recruitment Specialist. We didn't go through the specific details yet, but granting we agree on all terms, I was supposed start next Monday, March 13.

It was the first job offer that I seriously considered. I got a couple of ones recently, but I got turned off by a variety of reasons. This one was different though. Maybe because it's from IBM, or maybe because the proximity is so endearing. Nevertheless, from what we've talked about, I was very interested.

I went back earlier today to iron out the details with them. They formally gave me their offer, with the official contract on hand too. We discussed the contract, and needless to say, I was pleased with everything.

So I signed on already, thus officially making me part of the IBM family. I'm quite excited to finally work again. The only downside was they wanted to me to start earlier. In fact, they want me to come in this Thursday already. I thought I still had roughly a week to enjoy bumming. Alas, I have to cut it short, and end the scintillating run of enjoyment I've had since October.

At any rate, it has been a wonderful and enjoyable 5 month ride. It was real good while it lasted. Absolutely no regrets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats! have fun working there. :)