Tuesday, July 18, 2006

ACL tear(?)

I went to see an ortho-surgeon yesterday over at Medical City to have my knee checked. Initial diagnosis is that liquid or water is building up. It resulted in my knee flaring up but not to the extent that it needs to be aspirated. Doc says it should go away within the next week. Aside from the water build-up, he said that my right knee was loose as compared to my left one. There is a possiblity of an ACL tear, but that has yet to be confirmed. That's just looking at a worst case scenario. Best case is that my knee is just badly 'bugbog'. I'm supposed to go back after a week when the swelling goes down for an accurate diagnosis.

Damn. My heart sank upon hearing that. I guess hearing those three letters comprises an athlete's worst nightmare.

Regardless of what happens during my next checkup, friends are telling me to get a second opinion. Possibly even a third. Then reach a consensus afterwards.

Til then, I'm keeping my hopes up.

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