Thursday, July 27, 2006

On MRI; Second opinion

Had my MRI done yesterday afternoon. Man, that was like the longest 45 minutes of my life. The machine was noisy, my headphones weren't enough to muffle the sound. The music aided though, but the songs weren't exactly my choice. Anyhow, glad it's over and done with. The results will be ready by tonight. Still thinking whether to get them later or over the weekend.

I went to another orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Michael Bengzon, to get a second opinion. He's an Atenean, and I've friends who were his patients already. I felt more comfortable with him than the first doctor. Dr. Quintos was kinda aloof and nonchalant, while Dr. Bengzon was more hands-on. He actually took time to explain and answer my multitude of questions.

Going back to his thoughts, he said that my right knee was bit looser compared to my left one but that it wasn't obvious at all. He said he's looking at a partial ACL tear, or best case, just a badly bruised knee. He also said that he would recommend having the MRI done too, just like Quintos.

I'll reserve judgment until I get the MRI results.

Crossing my fingers.

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