Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mixed feelings

I spent much of the weekend trying to deliberate whether I should have surgery or not. I guess I'm bothered thinking that my partially torn ACL might give way completely in the future. I know that's looking far towards the future but still. I'm very concerned.

Some people are suggesting to go ahead with the surgery since my insurance will cover it. If it pops completely in the future I might not have insurance anymore. Very good point. It is indeedsomething to consider.

Barbs and my mom were telling me not to have surgery since it won't guarantee that it won't tear again in the future. An ACL will always have the possibility of getting ruptured regardless of whether it's completely normal, partially torn or reconstructed. The doctor doesn't recommend reconstruction anyway so why do it. Should it rupture completely then that's the time to go have it fixed. I fully understand their thoughts. I think it makes the most sense for now.

Doc says a partial tear is alright as long as I don't lose any mobility and I don't feel any instability. I honestly don't feel any of those symptoms now as I've never even felt my knee buckle or give way especially when walking on inclines and going up and down staircases.

But I'm still confused though. I'll just see how it goes after rehab. Then I'll take it from there.

I should be back playing by September, in time for the IBM sportsfest. No way in the world I'll miss that.

I'll be ready by then.

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