Friday, July 07, 2006

Elbow Room

Played basketball with the IBM folks last night in Ateneo. Had an ugly start as I almost came into blows with an officemate. This guy had the freaking guts to come up to me and ask for a fistfight. He was holding and pushing me as he was setting screens. Naturally, I'd fight off the screens and shove him back. Not my fault if he got thrown off with my effort.

Everyone will acknowledge that I will tear him apart should I want to.

Anyway, I met another accident later duing the night. It was a fastbreak opportunity so I drove down the lane with the usual reckless abandon. Juvy decided to challenge my shot so we had a huge collision mid-air. I'm used to falling to the ground since my goalkeeping days so I knew how to fall. Too bad though as a metal cage usued to store basketballs for PE was directly under the goal. I slammed my elbow right into it. Tangina mo, Juvs. Hehehe.

I couldn't move my right arm for about the next thirty minutes or so. Damn, it was painful.

Barbie accompanied me to Medical City afterwards to have my elbow checked. X-rays were negative so it was a big relief.

I don't want to have another major injury. I think I have more than enough to last me a few lifetimes.

Thanks B. What would I do without you?

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