Friday, February 10, 2006

Cellphone Anxiety

I'm sure you guys out there have experienced this thing called cellphone anxiety at one point or another. It's the feeling you have when you're texting with someone and you patiently wait for that person to reply. The awkward and oftentimes long wait leading up to the sounding of your phone brings a lot of tense moments. Once you do get the reply though, the anxiety doesn't end there. Before you actually read the message, you'd be hoping to receive a favorable reply to whatever you guys've been talking about. It's pretty much the same way when you're waiting for a phone call. The amount of tension is sometimes overwhelming that it becomes stressful.

I've learned to deal with this feeling though I'm so not good at it. A good friend of mine once gave me sound advice on how to manage it. He told me to tuck away my phone, somewhere far enough so as not to distract me. If the phone's always at your side, then it'll always be on your mind. You'd forever be waiting for that text or call. Better yet, turn the phone off before you hide it away. That way, you won't hear it even if it beeps or rings.

I did that a lot back when I was still working. I'd turn my phone off and keep it inside my pedestal. Then I'd go on with my work, and check back on it after I finish or before I leave. However since I have a lot of free time now, there ain't enough things to keep me busy to keep me away from the phone. So what I do now is just sleep it off. It works both ways as I get my rest and lay off the unnecessary anxiety.

Remember, if that text or call is destined to come, it will. Otherwise, there's no use wasting time, waiting for something that just might not come at all.

Wasn't life much simpler before, when we didn't have all this technology available to us?

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